Alpha Polysaccharide Peptides and Alpha Anthocyanins - The Best Mitochondria Nutrition!


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Top 10 Reasons to Take PXP

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Why PXP?

Why Does PXP Contribute to Human Wellness?

The concept to remember is that PXP, which is comprised of alpha glycans or alpha polysaccharide polypeptides, enters the mitochondria in a different way than ordinary foods. Instead of having to be active-transported through cell membranes (a process where energy is spent to bring an element through cellular membranes, PXP (100% alpha polysaccharide peptides) is able to PASS THROUGH cellular membranes via special receptor sites/pores with virtually zero expenditure of energy.

The special pathway of alpha glycans through cellular membranes is what allows them to provide cells with theoretically up to 36 net ATP energy units per molecule of fuel, instead of only one or two as occurs with sugar. Even though this theoretical energy gain is not obtained in practicality, nevertheless, an extremely large energy boost is realized, which enables healing of many hard to heal tissues in the body to take place.

Also, it is important to realize that the polysaccharide peptides or glyconutrients are themselves nutrients actively participate as “raw material” for healing of cell membranes and DNA membranes form the inside of the cell.

We hear numerous stories of healing of kidneys, nerves, heart and other tissues taking place through PXP supplementation. The prevalence of these stories leads us to say that anyone who needs healing or quicker recovery ought to be supplementing with PXP.

Energy - Is Often the Missing Ingredient For Healing Processes to Take Place

The problem with healing of acutely or chronically damaged tissue in the body is that there has to be excess energy to accomplish healing, and very often, the subject that needs to have healing take place, is so badly injured or diseased that there is insufficient energy available to heal. That makes it a chicken and egg type of thing for people without access to PXP — without energy that cannot heal, and without first healing, they cannot produce enough energy to heal.

PXP changes that. It provides cells with raw materials (nutrients) at no cost of energy (to actively transport the raw materials into the cell), and it provides fuel for making energy at no cost of energy (to transport the fuel into the cell).


With the abundance of stress, toxins and insufficient sleep in most people’s lives, the cells of the body often do not have surplus energy with which to obtain nutrients or initiate repair processes, in situations of disease, overexertion, invasion of microbes or free radical assault. PXP can very well be the only thing, besides sleep, that can create large enough amounts of excess cellular energy for healing to take place at a high rate.

Salient description points regarding PXP include:

  • PXP supplies nearly everything except oxygen and water for creating ATP. It directly targets the mitochondria (power plant) of the cell to create ATP (cellular energy).
  • PXP does not have to be actively transported across cell membranes. Active transport process consumes up to 35 units of ATP energy in order to make 36 units of ATP, netting only 1 ATP, while PXP allows all 36 units to be netted.
  • PXP contains all of the essential amino acids, (making it a source of all proteins that could be needed for making repairs).
  • It also contains all of the essential fatty acids (GLA, ALA, LA, SDA, EPA, DHA, and AA)
  • and all of the essential functional sugars
  • as well as an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

Its completeness in terms of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids and essential sugars, plus small molecular size and free pass into the cells and mitochondria makes these alpha glycans powerful in terms of health and healing.

Let's talk more about alpha polysaccharide peptides, or alpha glycans.

These power-packed nutrients are easily absorbed by cells (98% to 100% absorption). The cells recognize them as biologically desirable fuel:

  • They are nutrients that are otherwise unobtainable in a modern diet.
  • They go directly into cellular mitochondria (the power plants of the cells)
  • They give a natural energy boost that contributes up to 36 times more net ATP output than is achieved with other carbohydrates.
  • They contribute to daytime activity and
  • They promote restful sleep and healing each night.
Alpha Polysaccharide Peptides Pass Easily Through Cellular Membranes

howaporeseesthingsCell membranes have pores and an active transport system which allows only particular atoms and molecules to pass through it. Most foods eaten must be metabolized before passing through the cell membrane. This requires energy in the form of stored ATP.

Using nanotechnology, alpha polysaccharide peptides have been mechanically hydrolyzed to monosaccharides size. In this form, they pass through all cell membranes without the need to go through the usual metabolic pathways.

mitochondria_webThe mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) have a double membrane and an active transport system, which even more carefully determines what molecules can enter into it. One type of molecule they always allow through are monosaccharides (alpha polysaccharide peptides), where the last step of their metabolism takes place via the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle converts the energy, which is held within the bonds between the atoms of each molecule, into packets of energy - ATP. ATP stands for adenosine tri phosphate. (Cellular Energy)

After the production of ATP within the mitochondrion, ATP energy packet molecules migrate into the cell where its energy is released. If you had an electron microscope you could see little fireworks as the ATP turns into ADP (adenosine di phosphate). The cell uses the energy to perform its various duties: protein, RNA and DNA synthesis, cell membrane maintenance, organelle maintenance, as well as, and most important, detoxification and maintaining individual cell health.

PXP provides each cell with 36 ATP whereas an equivalent amount of normal carbohydrate provides each cell with 1 or 2 ATP. This is more energy than the cell has ever seen before. It takes care of all its cells duties and still has more energy than it's ever seen before - energy which it uses to do the work of healing.

However, just as food is eaten every day for energy, PXP must be taken every day consistently, if we want to keep cells in this heightened state of energy/health. The suggestion to spread out doses throughout the day is because PXP is water soluble and flushes through the system very quickly. It enters cells instantly, and the mitochondria do their work. But cells never go to sleep, they work 24/7. Always working, always detoxifying, always trying to maintain optimum health. Each cell requires a regular influx of PXP for optimum health.

The bottom line is to take care of the mitochondria within the cells of each animal’s body. The body is but a mirror image of the individual cells that work continuously day and night to maintain health.

and the POWER WITHIN the CELL is WHAT is REAL.

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